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2501 |
Godparents: Edmond Cloutier and Laura Cloutier | CLOUTIER, Marie Cecile (I4518)
2502 |
Godparents: Edmond Drouillard and Elmire Drouillard | GALIPEAU, Clara Edwidge (I4570)
2503 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MARTIN, Patricia Julianne (I5075)
2504 |
Godparents: Edouard Boemier and Sophie Langlois | LANGLOIS, Noe Dominique (I3935)
2505 |
Godparents: Edward (aka Edmund) Lozon and Helen Lozon | MARTIN, Marie Elizabeth GLADYS (I4752)
2506 |
Godparents: Edward Cicot and Anne Lafoy | BAGNELL, Marie Sarah (I3882)
2507 |
GODPARENTS: Edward Richi and Elizabeth Langlois | DROUILLARD, Louise Marie (I2750)
2508 |
Godparents: Egide Gallipeau and Angele Drouillard | CHEVALIER, Marie Edwidge (I4566)
2509 |
Godparents: Elie Beneteau and Emelie Drouillard | FORTIER, Marie Anne HELENE Emelie (I4447)
2510 |
Godparents: Elie Boismier and Eva Lesperance | LESPERANCE, Joseph CLARENCE (I4583)
2511 |
Godparents: Elie Drouillard and Emma Dufour | DUFOUR, Agnes Marie CECILE (I4852)
2512 |
Godparents: Elie Drouillard and Mde Barthelemie Lucier | LUCIER, Marie Madeleine (I4884)
2513 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MARTIN, Joseph EDWARD (I4746)
2514 |
Godparents: Emil Drouillard, uncle, and his wife Rose | PAQUETTE, Earl Henry (I4740)
2515 |
Godparents: Emil Laframboise and Susanne Girard | DUFOUR, Joseph Wallace (I4238)
2516 |
Godparents: Emil Lozon, uncle, and Rose Drouillard | LOZON, Marie LOUISE Anna (I4728)
2517 |
Godparents: Ephrem Charette and Tharcile Gignac | CHARETTE, Catherine AGLAI (I4189)
2518 |
Godparents: Ernest Drouillard and Ida Ducharme | DUCHARME, Joseph Henry ARSENE (I4961)
2519 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | GIGNAC, Marie Beatrice (I4886)
2520 |
Godparents: Etienne Drouillard and Therese Lognon | CHAPOTON, Olivier (I3914)
2521 |
Godparents: Eug. Grandmaison and Alice Girard | GIRARD, Joseph Ernest (I4846)
2522 |
Godparents: Eugene Cadarette and Louise Cadarette | CADARETTE, Joseph ERNEST (I4591)
2523 |
Godparents: Eugene Drouillard and Anna Drouillard | DEMING, Eugene Roy (I4386)
2524 |
Godparents: Eusebe St. Pierre and Zeiraide Gallipeau | GALIPEAU, Joseph Eusebe (I4569)
2525 |
Godparents: Eustache Chapoton and Marie Drouillard | CHAPOTON, Dominique (I3913)
2526 |
Godparents: Fabian and Euphraise Pare | TREMBLAY, Joseph Edward (I4445)
2527 |
Godparents: Fabian Pare and Philomene Goulet | PATENAUDE, Fabian Felix (I4428)
2528 |
Godparents: Fabien Leveque and Marie Drouillard | DEBEAUMONT (Beaumont), Marie Rose (I4588)
2529 |
GODPARENTS: Felix Drouillard and Catherine Drouillard | DROUILLARD, Philomene (I1948)
2530 |
Godparents: Felix Lassaline and Pauline Vilaire | DESJARDINS, Patrice (I4030)
2531 |
Godparents: Ferdinand Chaput and Zoe Drouillard | ALLEN, Joseph Hilaire (I3974)
2532 |
Godparents: Ferdinand Desmarais and Anna Desmarais Maisonville | FORTON, Marie Darie Zoe Elizabeth (I4718)
2533 |
Godparents: Ferdine Robert and Emelie Robert | ROBERT, Marie Emelie CECILE (I4244)
2534 |
Godparents: Fr. X. Prieur and Rose Dufresne | DOE (DEAU), Marie ROSE Adelaide (I4801)
2535 |
Godparents: Francis Jacob and Rose Drouillard | JACOB, Joseph ALBERT (Bert) Francis (I4692)
2536 |
Godparents: Francois D'hier dit Marechal and Marie Angelique Labadie | ROY, Angelique (I3830)
2537 |
Godparents: Francois Desroches and Francoise Bellecour | Carrier, Francois (I1018)
2538 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Eleonore Drouillard | LESPERANCE, Claire (CLARA) Eleonore (I4665)
2539 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Eleonore Suliere | THOMES, Rose Elisabeth (I4343)
2540 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Eugenie Forton of L'Anse Creuse, MI | FORTON, Marie Stella (I4719)
2541 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Felice Gouin | LAFORET, Charles Leon (I4327)
2542 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Florence Suliere | THOMES, Paul Eugene (I4341)
2543 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Francoise Meny | Dubreuil, Francoise (I1184)
2544 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Marguerite Cadotte | DESJARDINS, Alexis (I4027)
2545 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Marie Catherine Chesne | RIDLEY, Elisabeth (I3811)
2546 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Pelagie Maisonville, paternal uncle and maternal aunt | MAISONVILLE, Henriette (I3871)
2547 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard and Zoe Lesperance | LESPERANCE, Francois ALEXANDRE (I4652)
2548 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard, grandfather, and Agate Francoise Sterling | URQUHART, Agate Francoise (I3820)
2549 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard, grandfather, and Catherine Pilet, wife of Joseph Berthiaume | ROY, George (I3822)
2550 |
Godparents: Francois Drouillard, grandfather, and Marie Louise Meloche, paternal cousin | JANIS, Francois (I3836)