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1851 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Pattenaude and Adelaide Autin | DROUILLARD, Joseph Edward (Henry?) (I2348)
1852 |
Godparents: Louis Pelletier and Archange Renau | Deshetres, Marie (I11199)
1853 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Pelletier and Claire Prat, aunt | Drouillard, Louis (I1510)
1854 |
Godparents: Louis Pelletier and Victoire Maisonville, aunt | MAISONVILLE, Toussaint (I3869)
1855 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Peltier and Genevieve Champaigne | DROUILLARD, Archange (I1643)
1856 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Pitre, uncle, and Anne Pitre, grandmother | DROUILLARD, Marie JACQUELINE Albertine (I3269)
1857 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Rabidoux and Esther Rocheleau | DROUILLARD, Noe ADOLPHE (Joseph) (I2361)
1858 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Tino and Arthemise Nantais | DROUILLARD, Marie Anne NATHALIE (Nettie) (I2687)
1859 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Trudel and Mary Ann Villers, grandmother | Drouillard, Catherine (Caroline) (I1421)
1860 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Vigneux and Jeanne Drouillard | Drouillard, Alexandre (I66)
1861 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Vilaire and Catherine Drouillard | DROUILLARD, Vivienne Julie (I1736)
1862 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Villers and Cecile Drouillard | Drouillard (Drulard), Honore (Henry) (I1499)
1863 |
Godparents: Louis Villers and Marie Magdelene Goiau | Pajot, Marie Magdelene (I398)
1864 |
GODPARENTS: Louis Villers and Therese Cabassier | Drouillard, Louis (I132)
1865 |
GODPARENTS: Louis? Gignier and Francoise ? | DREWIOR, Joannum (Henry) (I15882)
1866 |
GODPARENTS: Luc Emery and Isabelle Guillot | DROUILLARD, Antoine (I1637)
1867 |
GODPARENTS: Luc Montreuil and Marie Parent | Drouillard, Caroline (I1532)
1868 |
GODPARENTS: Luc Reaume and Marie Drouillard, the widow of Youngblood | Drouillard, Marie Malvine (Harvena, Elvina) (I966)
1869 |
GODPARENTS: Luc Tourangeau and wife, Marguerite Drouillard | DROUILLARD, Delphine (Minnie) Elizabeth (I2006)
1870 |
GODPARENTS: Ludivicous Beauregard and Norrine? Drouillard | DROUILLARD, Frederic Walter (I13543)
1871 |
GODPARENTS: Ludovica Deneau and Carolina Deneau | DROUILLARD, Mariam Aloysia Filanise (I15548)
1872 |
GODPARENTS: Ludovica Deneau and Carolina Deneau | Drouillard (Drulard), Alexander Floyd (I16372)
1873 |
GODPARENTS: Ludovius Beauregard and Genevieve Drouillard | DROUILLARD (DREWIOR), Joseph Ernest (I15770)
1874 |
GODPARENTS: Ludovius Lapin and Monique Lapin | Drouillard, Petrius (Peter) (I15415)
1875 |
GODPARENTS: Ludovius Pare and Desangela Lapoint | Drouillard, Desangela Marie (I14632)
1876 |
GODPARENTS: Ludovius Permie and Brigitte Robidou | Drouillard, Joseph (I15436)
1877 |
GODPARENTS: Ludovius St. Bernard and Archange Robidou | Drouillard, Eusebia (I15413)
1878 |
Godparents: Magloire Marion? and Maria Parrey | Perry, Child (I15074)
1879 |
Godparents: Magloire Meloche and Emelie Boismier | Boismier, Elie Jean Baptiste (I18165)
1880 |
GODPARENTS: Magloire Meloche and Tarsile Gignac | DROUILLARD, Louise Alice (I1960)
1881 |
Godparents: Margaret Thrasher and Margaret Thrasher | De Hetre (Deshetre), Arlene Mary (I11169)
1882 |
GODPARENTS: Maria Anna Cousineau | DROUILLARD, Maglorius (I1620)
1883 |
GODPARENTS: Marie Louise Drouillard, aunt, and her husband, William Desjardins | DROUILLARD, Louise (I1740)
1884 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | DROUILLARD, Darrell Charles (I18902)
1885 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Lavallee, Tyson Jack (I11)
1886 |
GODPARENTS: Marshal Gray and Genevieve Gray | DROUILLARD, Denise Anne (I3273)
1887 |
Godparents: Mathurin Roy, son of Olivier Roy and Magdeleine Lefebvre | Pajot, Joseph (I18337)
1888 |
GODPARENTS: Maurice Bezaire and Euphrasie Parent | DROUILLARD, Dolphis Honore (I1710)
1889 |
GODPARENTS: Maurice Halfrey and Marcelline Drouillard | DROUILLARD, Joseph WILLIAM (Bill,Willie) (I2033)
1890 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Allard and Archange Dufour | DROUILLARD, Marie CLAIRE (I2026)
1891 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Amelie Drouillard | Drouillard, Joseph Simon (Samuel) (I502)
1892 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Angelique Pare | DROUILLARD, Delphine Emma (Josephine) (I2373)
1893 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Delphine Marion | DROUILLARD, Marie DELPHINE (I2353)
1894 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Emma Gignac | DROUILLARD, Joseph Maxime WILFRED (I2950)
1895 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Josephine Bergeron | DROUILLARD, Marie EVA (I2906)
1896 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Josephine Girard | DROUILLARD, Marie EDNA (I2940)
1897 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Louise Drouillard | DROUILLARD, Marie CECILIA (I2926)
1898 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Mary Arquette | DROUILLARD, Joseph CLARENCE Francis (I2936)
1899 |
GODPARENTS: Maxime Drouillard and Vitaline Beneteau | DROUILLARD, Marie GERTRUDE (I2918)
1900 |
Godparents: Maxime Lucier and Mrs. Maxime Lucier | Lucier, Alfred Michael (I8252)