The Drouillard Family
Genealogy Website
ChristenedMatches 1 to 40 of 40
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Christened |
Person ID |
1 |
Brunet, Dorothy Marie | 21 Jul 1919 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I13889 |
2 |
Dagenais, Simone Blanche | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I7152 |
3 |
Deshetres, Robert Henry | 19 Oct 1893 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I13900 |
4 |
DROUILLARD, Anthony Droz Joseph (Bud) | 14 Apr 1918 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I3084 |
5 |
DROUILLARD, Arnold Joseph | 28 Mar 1909 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2507 |
6 |
DROUILLARD, Clara Adelaide | 19 Feb 1869 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1823 |
7 |
DROUILLARD, Gertrude Elizabeth | 26 Nov 1906 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2278 |
8 |
DROUILLARD, Joseph Francis (or Frederick) GERALD (Jerry) | 19 Jan 1917 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I3083 |
9 |
DROUILLARD, Joseph LEO (LEO JOSEPH) | 02 Aug 1908 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2763 |
10 |
DROUILLARD, Joseph Orville (Orval) | 31 Aug 1913 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2508 |
11 |
DROUILLARD, Josephine Claire | 06 Aug 1895 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2746 |
12 |
DROUILLARD, Kenneth James | | | I3619 |
13 |
DROUILLARD, Lawrence (Larry) Joseph | | | I3616 |
14 |
DROUILLARD, Leo Wilfred (Wilfred L.) | 05 Mar 1893 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2442 |
15 |
DROUILLARD, Louise Adelaide (ADELE) | 14 Nov 1897 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2747 |
16 |
DROUILLARD, Louise Marie | 27 Mar 1904 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2750 |
17 |
DROUILLARD, Marie (Minnie) | 14 Dec 1902 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2749 |
18 |
DROUILLARD, Marie Dinah Ronaldine | 13 Feb 1916 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I3082 |
19 |
DROUILLARD, Marie LEO (Leon) Theodore | 20 Dec 1885 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2258 |
20 |
DROUILLARD, Marie Pearl | 02 Oct 1904 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2778 |
21 |
DROUILLARD, Marie VERONICA R. | 14 Feb 1904 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2277 |
22 |
DROUILLARD, Mary Genevieve | 30 Jun 1888 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2259 |
23 |
DROUILLARD, Mary PAUL (Xavier) | 03 Mar 1895 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2262 |
24 |
DROUILLARD, Mary Rose Violet | 14 Feb 1909 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2504 |
25 |
DROUILLARD, Orville Joseph | 02 Apr 1911 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I11204 |
26 |
DROUILLARD, Theodore William | 12 Dec 1869 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1830 |
27 |
DROUILLARD, William (Bill) | 27 Sep 1900 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2748 |
28 |
DROUILLARD, Zoe Delphine (Rose) | About 30 Jan 1875 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2137 |
29 |
DRULARD, Joseph Edward | 24 Mar 1901 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2243 |
30 |
DRULARD, Laurentia Priscella (Lorraine Laurentia) | 23 Nov 1891 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2238 |
31 |
DRULARD (DROUILLARD), Marie ANGELA | 10 Apr 1904 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2245 |
32 |
DRULARD (DROUILLARD), Milford T. (Wilfred Theodore) | 27 Aug 1896 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2241 |
33 |
DRULARD (DROUILLARD), Viola Bernadette | 01 Mar 1903 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2244 |
34 |
LUCIER, William Russell | 26 Sep 1909 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4885 |
35 |
SPINDLEMAN, Edith Melvina | 26 Dec 1909 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4564 |
36 |
SPINDLEMAN, Lorraine Mary | 17 May 1908 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4563 |
37 |
TREMBLAY, Joseph Edward | 11 Feb 1906 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4445 |
38 |
VIGNEUX, Claire Marie | 03 Jan 1897 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4532 |
39 |
VIGNEUX, Joseph Leo | 18 Aug 1901 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4535 |
40 |
VIGNEUX, Mary Amelia | 14 Sep 1892 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4530 |
BuriedMatches 1 to 32 of 32
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Buried |
Person ID |
1 |
Abrash, Charlotte | 16 Mar 2000 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I13205 |
2 |
Arquette (Urquhart), Emily (Emma Marie) | 20 Dec 1916 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I11201 |
3 |
Beaugrand, Joseph | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I19412 |
4 |
BENETEAU, Eleanor Theresa | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I5125 |
5 |
Beneteau, Joseph Oscar | 14 Aug 1945 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I771 |
6 |
Cousineau, Marie Josephine Beatrice | 20 Oct 1964 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I7991 |
7 |
DROUILLARD, Joseph Barthelemi Hector | 02 Jun 1944 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1993 |
8 |
DROUILLARD, Joseph Desdat (DELPHIS) | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1990 |
9 |
DROUILLARD, Joseph Victor (Vic,aka Hector V.) | 10 Oct 1959 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2164 |
10 |
DROUILLARD, Louis Daniel | 07 Dec 1942 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1940 |
11 |
DROUILLARD, Louise Marie | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2750 |
12 |
DROUILLARD, Marie Delima (Delia) | 12 Dec 1991 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2458 |
13 |
DROUILLARD, Marie ELIZABETH | 31 Oct 1892 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2744 |
14 |
DROUILLARD, Marie Felice Marguerite (May Phyles) | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2505 |
15 |
DROUILLARD, Marie Grace Gertrude (Gurty) | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I3013 |
16 |
DROUILLARD, Mary PAUL (Xavier) | 05 Aug 1895 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2262 |
17 |
DROUILLARD, Pierre Patrice (PATRICK,Patsy) | 21 Aug 1958 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1997 |
18 |
DROUILLARD, Rose Cecilia Elizabeth | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I3016 |
19 |
DROUILLARD, Wallace Pierre Joseph Guillaume | 16 Apr 1918 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1995 |
20 |
DROUILLARD (DRULARD), Catherine Amelia | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1809 |
21 |
DRULARD, Joseph Edward | 28 Apr 1950 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2243 |
22 |
DRULARD (DROUILLARD), Charles Henry | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I1808 |
23 |
DRULARD (DROUILLARD), Viola Bernadette | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I2244 |
24 |
Girard, Joseph Leo | 14 Feb 1977 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I7027 |
25 |
Harper, William D. | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I6631 |
26 |
HUNEAU, Maxime (Michael) | | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I4537 |
27 |
Kuhayda, Pauline | 20 Feb 1966 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I8634 |
28 |
Meloche, Loma | 15 Feb 1963 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I6924 |
29 |
Menard, Joseph | 23 Aug 1928 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I6752 |
30 |
Ouellette, Ernest Clement | 22 Mar 1995 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I8137 |
31 |
Pitre, Florence May | 24 Mar 1969 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I12102 |
32 |
Tromblay (Tremblay, Trembley), Annie Leontine (Ovaline, Loveline) | 05 Jul 1939 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | I6270 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 24 of 24
Family |
Married |
Family ID |
1 |
Bergeron / DROUILLARD | 11 Feb 1941 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F1833 |
2 |
Chartier / PARE | 30 Dec 1908 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F3729 |
3 |
Chauvin / MAISONVILLE | 30 Jun 1882 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F4468 |
4 |
Deshetres / Hanlon | 22 Feb 1898 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F4622 |
5 |
Drouillard / Blanchette | 27 Jun 1942 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F201 |
6 |
DROUILLARD / Dicaire (Decaire) | 28 Sep 1909 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F2518 |
7 |
DROUILLARD / Dixon | 06 Nov 1937 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F4617 |
8 |
DROUILLARD / Durocher (Desrochers) | 24 Nov 1903 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F2382 |
9 |
DROUILLARD / Langlois | 30 Apr 1900 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F2389 |
10 |
DROUILLARD / Montforton (Monforton) | 23 Sep 1919 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F1740 |
11 |
DROUILLARD / Renaud | 01 Jul 1913 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F1151 |
12 |
DROUILLARD / Rousseau | 29 Sep 1914 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F1736 |
13 |
DROUILLARD / Zabornick | | | F4537 |
14 |
DROUILLARD (Drulard) / Foster | 09 Jun 1926 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F2467 |
15 |
Dupuis / ROCHELEAU | 05 Sep 1905 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F4220 |
16 |
Harper / DROUILLARD (DRULARD) | 26 Oct 1897 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F1425 |
17 |
Hemming / TREMBLAY | 15 May 1905 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F3731 |
18 |
Lauzon / DROUILLARD | 14 Oct 1919 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F2659 |
19 |
MAHON / Montforton | 09 Nov 1889 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F3688 |
20 |
Major / DROUILLARD | 15 Nov 1910 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F1170 |
21 |
MELOCHE / Bourke | 17 Jul 1905 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F3761 |
22 |
Rochon / DROUILLARD | 21 May 1942 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F4619 |
23 |
Speare / Drouillard | 23 Apr 1909 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F218 |
24 |
Spitalsky / Pageau (Pajot) | 02 Aug 1909 | St. Alphonsus, Windsor | F4625 |